Abbie Marshall

  1. Delicious Desserts You Can Make With A Banana

    Delicious Desserts You Can Make With A Banana
    baked-banana-bread-doughnuts-with-browned-butter-glaze-721x480 A banana is a really great way to add a delicious flavour to your cakes, bakes and desserts. Plus, they're always in season so you can be sure that you'll always be able to get hold of one! Continue reading
  2. 12 Delectable Doughnut Delights

    12 Delectable Doughnut Delights
    hands-off-my-doughnuts-1024x717 Doughnuts are the perfect snack for any time of day; and if you're as much of a fan of them as we are, today is your lucky day. If you weren't already aware, today is National Cream Filled Doughnut Day. Continue reading
  3. Delicious Homemade Jam Recipes

    Delicious Homemade Jam Recipes
    Strawb and apple jam You simply can't beat homemade jam. My Nan has always made her own jam, ever since I can remember, and the store bought stuff is just not the same! Continue reading
  4. The Geode Wedding Cake Trend

    geode header For those of you who have attended a wedding in recent years, you've probably noticed that the wedding cake is not the traditional, white fruit cake that we've all come to expect. Continue reading
  5. Coffee Desserts: 12 Buzzworthy Recipes

    Coffee Desserts: 12 Buzzworthy Recipes
    coffee donuts Food comas: we've all been there. There's nothing worse than polishing off a delicious dessert and then feeling like you immediately need to curl up in bed and sleep for a week because you feel so full up. Continue reading
  6. 9 Mouthwatering Marshmallow Treats

    9 Mouthwatering Marshmallow Treats
    ice cream cones If you weren't aware, today is National Toasted Marshmallow Day - I know what you're thinking, "Is there a National Food Day for absolutely everything these days?" Continue reading
  7. 10 Tangy Lemon Inspired Puddings

    lemon-lush Lemon is a pretty popular flavour when it comes to making puds. The tangy fruit can be included in a wide range of recipes, adding an unmistakable taste to your sweet treats. Continue reading
  8. Chocolate Bark Recipes That Are Super Easy

    Chocolate Bark Recipes That Are Super Easy
    Marbelized Chocolate Bark Chocolate bark, if you're not too sure, is a sheet of chocolate that tends to be covered with nuts, sweeties, dried fruit or any other topping that you wish to sprinkle on. Continue reading

Items 9 to 16 of 36 total

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