Oh. My. Goodness. Just the thought of puddings is enough to send me into rapturous delight and anticipation of the sweet joys to come. I love to eat puddings, and part of the indulgent Continue reading
Antonella Villani
How Important Is Presentation For Desserts
Chocolate èclairs... mmm...
Oh, you thought I mean the little wrapped sweets that Cadbury’s do? No, while those are nice enough, but they're not what we're talking about today. I’m not talking about Jenny Eclair either. Funny though she Continue reading -
Are Cronut's the new Cupcakes?
Cupcakes have been big news for a long time now. Small, delicate, feminine and just a little bit twee, the cupcake is everywhere. No baby shower, Continue reading -
Cheesecake or Baked Cheesecake?
What started as a popular dessert in the United States finally crept its way across the pond to the United Kingdom. I am almost positive the people of Great Britain are wondering what Continue reading -
Sample Page
This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this: Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by... -
Lego Blocks of Raspberry Jelly!
A bowl of fruity jelly is perfect for a dessert. Its so simple and easy to make, which makes it absolutely perfect to make with little Yolli people! Continue reading -
Finding Colourful Lollipop Sticks for your Sweet Treats
If you’re a keen confectionery hobbyist who enjoys making lollipops in your spare time; whether for business or personal use, then we at Yolli can help you! Lollipops make a fantastic treat, and are the perfect addition to Continue reading
Where Can I find Beautiful Lollipop Sticks?
No matter if you’re no longer a child, we all have to admit that a simple lollipop can bring us right back to the days when we were younger Continue reading