
  1. Deliciously Festive Gingerbread Desserts

    Deliciously Festive Gingerbread Desserts
    gb8-865x577 We appreciate that it isn't Christmas yet, but it's definitely not too early to start thinking about this years Christmas bakes. Especially if you're hosting Christmas Day! Continue reading
  2. The Geode Wedding Cake Trend

    geode header For those of you who have attended a wedding in recent years, you've probably noticed that the wedding cake is not the traditional, white fruit cake that we've all come to expect. Continue reading
  3. 10 Tangy Lemon Inspired Puddings

    lemon-lush Lemon is a pretty popular flavour when it comes to making puds. The tangy fruit can be included in a wide range of recipes, adding an unmistakable taste to your sweet treats. Continue reading
  4. Peanut Butter Puddings You'll Go Nuts Over!

    Peanut Butter Puddings You'll Go Nuts Over!
    peanut butter ice cream It's a well known fact that peanut butter tastes god damn amazing in almost every dessert you add it to. Continue reading
  5. What Can You Do With Fudge Cubes?

    What Can You Do With Fudge Cubes?
    vanilla fudge pancakes This month, right through until September, both our vanilla and chocolate fudge cubes will be half price. Continue reading
  6. 10 Space Themed Cakes & Bakes

    10 Space Themed Cakes & Bakes
    galaxy cookies Space themed sweet treats seem to be the latest craze, and we won't lie, we are as obsessed with this awesome space trend as everyone else! Continue reading
  7. The 'Drip Cake' | A How To Guide

    The 'Drip Cake' | A How To Guide
    drip cake A firm favourite in the cake decorating world at the moment is the 'Drip Cake.' There is nothing in this world that can smash your will-power into smithereens like melting chocolate can, and that's what makes this theme so unbelievably popular. Continue reading
  8. 10 Delicious Icing & Frosting Recipes

    10 Delicious Icing & Frosting Recipes

    candy floss icing

    I think it is pretty safe to say that everybody has a favourite type of icing; whether it's buttercream or cream cheese, we all have a preferred, go-to icing recipe. Continue reading

Items 1 to 8 of 13 total

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