No matter what age you are, there’s no denying that cereal will always be a popular dish to have any time throughout the day. Everyone has a Continue reading
Breakfast for Dessert
Make Your Own Beautiful Biscuits!
Biscuits are a delicious treat to dunk into tea or simple just munch on as you're watching a film and baking them can be as easy or hard as you want to make it. We just absolutely love Sweet Amb's beautiful cookies. Yes, we hear you, not everyone has the amazing decorating biscuit talent that Sweet Amb's has - we certainly don't. But there is no reason that this should stop you from Continue reading
The Essential Baking Tool Kit
There's nothing better than filling your home with that fresh baking smell. Whether you have a sweet tooth for biscuits, cookies and tarts or you like to fill up on savoury bakes like pies and bread, here are the must-have supplies for your very own baker's tool kit. Continue reading
What's Better Than Apple Crumble
For the ultimate in warming winter cosyness look no further than the traditional Apple Crumble. Its one of those puddings that's almost impossible to dislike. Continue reading -
What Is Traditional English Baking?
The French may have their sophisticated patisseries and America their pies, but whether its crumbles or cobblers, charlottes or custards, there is a traditional Continue reading -
The Five Prettiest Cupcakes!
Cupcakes are the most delicious type of dessert you can possibly get! Not only are they really easy to make, with a bit of time and effort, they can Continue reading -
10 Healthy and Delicious Desserts
No evening meal is complete without a sweet treat to finish it off, however with so many tempting desserts on the supermarket shelves, it is easy to get carried away and over indulge. Continue reading -
A Recipe for Simple, Homemade Chocolate Truffles
How many of you do a Foodie Friday at work? What about poor neglected Mondays? Mondays are when we are likely to feel a lot more bluesy. I propose we start a revolution. Let's do Munchy Continue reading